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Logon Method

Logs the user on to MAPI, obtaining a MAPI session.

expression.Logon(Profile, Password, ShowDialog, NewSession)

expression    An expression that returns a NameSpace object.

Profile    Optional Variant. The MAPI profile name, as a String, to use for the session.

Password    Optional Variant. The password (if any), as a String, associated with the profile. This parameter exists only for backwards compatibility and for security reasons, it is not recommended for use. Microsoft Oultook will prompt the user to specify a password in most system configurations. This is your logon password and should not be confused with PST passwords.

ShowDialog    Optional Variant. True to display the MAPI logon dialog box to allow the user to select a MAPI profile.

NewSession Optional Variant. True to create a new Outlook session. Since multiple sessions cannot be created in Outlook, this parameter should be specified as True only if a session does not already exist.


This Microsoft Visual Basic example uses the Logon method to log on to a new session, displaying the dialog box to verify the profile name and enter password.

Sub StartOutlook()
 Dim myOlApp As Outlook.Application
 Dim myNameSpace As Outlook.NameSpace
 Set myOlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
 Set myNameSpace = myOlApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
 myNameSpace.Logon "LatestProfile", , True, True
End Sub